Add 50 - 100 kg/ha per year
(Application by microgranule spreaders, e.g. APV, ..)
Large field:
0.5 - 1 ton /ha per year
(Setting recommendations for common fertilizer spreading:
e.g. B. Amazon, smoke, ..)
Shrubs, trees (Christmas trees, fruit trees), vines:
For new plants, add 0.5 – 1kg to the planting pit
Flower boxes, flower troughs, grave soil:
Apply up to 6 kg per m2 and into the soil (approx. 10 cm)
As zeolite does not decompose and the soil in the long term
is retained, the desired share can be reached
lithosoil® also over several years or additions
Product details
The natural soil additive:
✔️ Regulates the water and nutrient balance of the plant
✔️ Promotes soil life and root formation
✔️ Drought stress is effectively reduced
✔️ Prevents nutrient leaching
✔️ Improves the nitrogen release available to plants
✔️ Optimal habitat for microorganisms
✔️ Regulates the pH value
✔️ Zeolite does not decompose and remains in the soil long-term receive
1. Was ist lithosoil® und wofür wird es verwendet?
lithosoil® ist ein natürlicher Wasser- und Nährstoffspeicher und führt dazu, Trockenstress zu verhindern und einer Nährstoffauswaschung entgegenzuwirken. Zudem bietet lithosoil® einen optimalen Lebensraum für Mikroorganismen.
2. Wie wird lithosoil® angewendet?
Die Anwendung ist ganzjährig möglich. Eine wiederkehrende Anwendung wird empfohlen, um die optimale Wasser- und Nährstoffversorgung aufrecht zu halten. Arbeiten Sie bodenvital® gleichmäßig in den Boden ein.
1 – 1,5 kg/m² Garten, Zierpflanzen
1 – 3 kg/m² Hochbeet, Gemüsegarten
2 – 3 kg/m² Blumenkisten, Graberde
3. Ist lithosoil® umweltfreundlich?
Ja, lithosoil® besteht ausschließlich aus dem Naturmineral Zeolith und enthält keinerlei schädliche Chemikalien.
4. Ist lithosoil® für jede Art von Pflanzen geeignet?
Ja, lithosoil® wirkt bei Gemüsebeeten, Ziersträucher, Obstbäume und genauso im Rasen.
5. Kann ich lithosoil® auch in Hochbeeten oder Töpfen verwenden?
Ja unbedingt. Die positive Wirkung auf den Wasserhaushalt der Pflanzen zeigt sich hier besonders deutlich.
The all-rounder for the floor
lithosoil® has excellent porosity and cation exchange capacity, allowing water and nutrients to be efficiently stored and delivered to plant roots. This optimizes the water balance, reduces drought stress and increases yields, especially in dry years. In addition, the surface of lithosoil® promotes soil life and strengthens root formation.
The all-rounder for your garden!
Lithosoil® has excellent porosity and cation exchange capacity, allowing water and nutrients to be efficiently stored and delivered to plant roots. This optimizes the water balance, reduces drought stress and increases yields, especially in dry years. In addition, the surface of Lithosoil® promotes soil life and strengthens root formation.
Areas of application
lithosoil® can be used in many different ways!
Water Mage in the ground
Zeolite makes the soil thirsty! It stores water like a sponge so plants always have enough to drink, especially in dry soil.
Fragrance hero in the compost
Does the compost stink? Zeolite is the savior! It takes away the bad smell and ensures that the compost remains full of good nutrients for the plants.
Natural pest guard
With zeolite we can use fewer chemicals against pests. It helps keep the bad critters away and keeps our plants safe.
Pond cleaner
Cloudy water in the pond? Zeolite clears it up! It takes harmful things out of the water to keep our fish and plants happy and healthy.
Free shipping
From an order value of 45 €
in AT & DE
Guaranteed performance promise
Regional, sustainable and
100% natural
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Our team is always there for you if you need help
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We ensure secure payment processing
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